I’ve been using more and more javascript since last year and it became my main language. On the other hand, I use ruby less and less - though I still love using it to write script or solve algorithm problems - the fact is, Javascript is expanding its applicable scope to everywhere.

I used to be a happy Ruby programmer about 5 years ago when I just ran out of the world of C++ and Java. Ruby to me was like an angel, it leads me to realize the beauty and elegance of programming language - it still impacting me deeply on the concept: coding for human, not machine. I remembered once a colleague asked me why I always talking about Ruby, and I wrote him something like this:

Marven.ensure do |task|
   tell_me if task.done?

Ruby syntax is so semantically friend - you can even make it feel like nature language. At that time I was so crazy about Ruby, from Rack to Rails, wrote almost everything use Ruby. I looked down on other languages. “Ruby is the only language I will use if you want me to do this” - I did said that 😂.

However, things are changing so quickly in this world, especially in web frontend. Angular first caught my eye, it shocked me as a component based framework. Then Phonegap (Cordova) moved fast to offer you a way to write hybrid app use your frontend skills. Then React comes up with a good friend named “React Native” to enable you to build a real native app. Server side node frameworks, if you take a look at this list, from “Sinatra like” to “Rails like” to “REST api”, everything is there. Don’t forget there is another desktop beast called Electron

We have to admit, ES6, frontend frameworks(Angular/React/Vue) and Node give Javascript a new life - and the rise of Javascript will keep a long time.

Ruby is doing well and Rails is doing well, they are just like old friends to me, so intimate. Matz said Ruby 3 will be 3 times faster than Ruby 2, that is so exciting for every ruby programmer. I will keep using Ruby whenever I can, but I can’t avoid writing Javascirpt more and more 😃.