Bubble animation with Paper.js
During this weekend, I made a simple bubble animation using React and Paper.js. Check the live demo.
I’m been working on a web project using React and Paper for quite a long time. The ease of using Paper.js really impressed me. Also, those great showcases are also inspiring me on new ideas.
My first idea is bubble animation. Bubble is basically a circle but not static, it is dynamic. That means when a bubble is floating in the air, its circle boundary is vibrating (caused by the air pressure or air flow). Well… sounds complicated - anyway I don’t want make a physical simulation on this, dude!
Since visualization is the goal. I can just use rotating and scaling to achieve the goal. Here’s the points:
- change the scaling on each frame with some random
- rotate the cicle on each frame with some random
- move the bubble using a math
function so it can float up in a sin-like curve
With these 3 points, basically a dynamic bubble is done. The rest part of the implmentation is the management of those bubbles - This is where paper.js realy helps. Paper.js has clear concepts like Item, Path, View, Layer which make object management easy enough.
animate = event => {
this.paintLayer.children.forEach(b => {
if (Bubble.isBubble(b)) {
if (!this.paperView.bounds.intersects(b.bounds)) {
fetches all child object and make it animate. If bubble float outof our view (paperView.bounds.intersects
), we just remove it from our paintLayer.
If you are interested in my work, check the repo.